Hands-on knowledge that you can use.

UX Workshops

Find out more about your selection of workshops

The choice is yours

With a Conference + Workshop Ticket, you can choose between three different Full-day workshops on Wednesday (as long as there are seats available). In addition, regardless of your ticket type, you can add a half-day workshop on Monday to your event experience.

Each workshop has a capacity limit and will no longer be available once it is reached.

Please mind that we will keep all workshops up-to-date and include new findings and technologies along the way. The description can therefore be slightly updated in the coming months, but the learnings and topic will (of course) not change!

The workshops will end at 4:00 p.m. at the very latest!

Workshop 1

24 August 2022 09:00-11:00 (online)

Ethical design best practices

In this workshop you’ll learn what ethical design entails, and you will get to know a practical framework and toolset that enables you to apply ethical design in your work. Your workshop teacher is Trine Falbe, specialist in ethical design and innovation. She’s written two books in this field, White Hat UX and The Ethical Design Handbook

Once you’ve completed this workshop, you are able to:

Systematically identify ethical design challenges and opportunities in the products and processes you work with
> Design a variety of UI patterns ethics first, without compromising the business objectives
> Design UX flows for onboarding, off boarding and checkout with ethical design in mind 

Who is this workshop for?
UX designers, product managers, developers and UI designers who have the ambition to make more ethical digital products.

Workshop 2

24 August 2022 13:30-15:00 (online)

The beginner's guide to Design Systems

Key questions that this workshop will answer:

What is a design system?
How does it differ from a regular design guide?
What are the benefits of creating a design system for or with your team?
How does having a good consistent design system help us along in our UX process?

A good design system is a set of standards to manage design at scale by reducing clutter and repetition while creating a shared vocabulary and a visual consistency across different Platforms.

Get a good insight into how to create and manage a design system.

In this course, we will be looking at different design systems analyzing them, trying to find out what makes a good design system, and how it can contribute to achieving better results.

We will also be looking at how to create our own system using Adobe XD, how best to manage a Design system and what are the best practices when it comes to sharing the system with your team.

Your faciltator in this course is Gudmundur Kristjansson, UX evangelist. Gudmundur has taught UX design for 7 years and has been a UX consultant in Denmark, Norway, and Iceland.

After this course
You should be able to recognize the elements of a good design system and be ready to start creating and maintaining your own design system along with your team.

Who is this workshop for?
Any design team leader, UX designers, developers, and UI designers looking for consistency in their work. Note that in this course you don't have to have years of experience in the field, this will be your gateway into a good solid start with your team.
It is not required to have Adobe XD in order to participate and the insights of this workshop are applicable regardless of the software you prefer to use.